
Showing posts from October, 2022

Services – Eesha Multispeciality Hospital in Bengaluru

Eesha Multispecialty Hospital (EMH) is dedicated in providing the highest quality compassionate and effective clinical care to those who cannot attain modern specialized health care services. At EMH, our dedicated team of doctors and specialists dissolve the gap between world class healing and home proximity. Specialities & Services   The biggest hurdle that patients face while being diagnosed at a traditional/specialty hospital is when they are told to transfer to a different hospital due to a lack of staff and equipment. But at  Eesha Multispeciality Hospital , this does not happen because of the presence of other doctors, physicians, surgeons, neurologists, etc, who can keep track of patients’ records from different departments. Our  Specialities & Services  It creates a uniform structure for the patients and doctors along with other hospital staff, since all the amenities are under the same roof it is easy to get treatments for various ailments without ha...

Gall Bladder Surgery for Gall Stones Removal - Eesha Multispeciality Hospital in Bengaluru

EeshaMultispecialty Hospital provides patients with a superior advanced level of medical and surgical care, primarily focused on the safe and proven treatment of Gall bladder surgery for gallstones. The Gallbladder may be a small pouch that is a storehouse for excess bile. it's just below the liver and joins the main bile-draining ducts. once we eat, the Gallbladder contracts to expel bile into the intestine for the digestion of fats. Gallstones or Cholelithiasis have formed thanks to cholesterol forming stones in the Gallbladder. The Gallbladder extracts water from its store of bile until the liquid becomes highly concentrated. The presence of fatty foods triggers the gallbladder to squeeze its bile concentrate into the tiny intestine. No particular reason, but it occurs more in the family history of Gallstones, people who are overweight, obese, or undergo rapid weight loss; and people taking cholesterol-lowering drugs. With age the incidence of gallstones increases. Gallstones ...