Mission & Vision - Eesha Multispeciality Hospital in Bengaluru

Eesha Multispecialty Hospital (EMH) is dedicated to providing the highest quality compassionate and effective clinical care to those who cannot attain modern specialized healthcare services. At EMH, our dedicated team of doctors and specialists dissolve the gap between world-class healing and home proximity.

Our Mission :

To provide Our Mission highest quality care and experience for patients and their families by compassionate medical professionals by creating a top-notch healthcare system that delivers physical, mental, and spiritual health needs. We are committed to the provision of comprehensive healthcare services in all medical and surgical specialties in a safe, modern, and patient-centered environment; for the well–being of the whole community.

Our Vision :

To be known Vision as one of the best world-class healthcare service providers, which will individualize the healthcare experience, embodying an organization of people working together, promoting a culture of personal accountability to improve the health and well-being of those we serve.

Our Core Values :

Saving & enriching lives and creating hope for humanity through clinical excellence. To achieve a leadership position in comprehensive healthcare management by providing the most effective equipment, trained manpower & infection free environment while meeting the needs and expectations of patients & society at large.


From immunizations to checkups and preventive care, and exams, our primary care physicians and providers work to keep you and your whole family healthy and strong each and every day.



Ward No. 6, H. A. Farm Post, Dasarahalli,
Bengaluru 560024 , Karnataka, India

Call Us: +91 9901616060

Email Us: Eeshamsh2021@Gmail.Com

Link : https://eeshahospital.com


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